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Sensei Chinen's Latest Book

 Sensei Chinen’s life’s work is now available in a high quality hard bound book with gold-stamped linen cover as well as a full color laminated dust jacket. The book is 240 pages printed in landscape format (11” wide by 8.5” high). Following is a description of the contents as explained on the inside flap of the dust jacket:


“Okinawan Goju Ryu is one of the most famous, and strongest, karate styles in the world. Sensei Teruo Chinen was influenced by three of the greatest masters in the art: his neighbor, Chojun Miyagi; his Teacher, Eiichi Miyazato; and his great Sempai, Morio Higaonna.”


“Chinen Sensei’s goal in writing this book is to provide the dedicated, serious practitioner a resource that will help with mechanics and proper technique, as displayed in the photo sequences of the kata, and to help clear up misunderstandings about other areas of training.”

“This book is a resource for a deeper, more mature understanding of Okinawan Goju Ryu, including information on the history and culture of Okinawa, the development of karate in Okinawa, and technical issues related specifically to Goju Ryu karate, the foundation of which is kata. Illustrated with over 1000 technical and historical photos – most never seen before – this book is a ‘must have’ for every practitioner of karate and historian of martial arts.”

To order Sensei Chinen's books, please contact Teruo Chinen Jr. at:

Sensei Chinen's Previous Book


 Sensei’s previous book, Forty Years of Chamber, is an 80 page (9" wide by 8" high) autobiography celebrating Sensei Chinen's fortieth anniversary teaching karate in Spokane, WA.  Through many personal stories and photographs, the book details his early life in Okinawa as well as his time in the United States.  

The cost for one copy of Sensei Chinen’s book with tax, shipping, and handling is $30 (USD) for U.S. addresses.  Additional copies ordered at the same time would be less per copy.  Contact us using the e-mail below for ordering instructions and for quantity pricing.

To order Sensei Chinen's books, please contact Teruo Chinen Jr. at: